bedroom painting toronto
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Painting bedrooms comes with a lot of pressure, parents want a safe-haven of comfort to retreat to, guests want comfort and a home away from home, while the kids want something that expresses their personality. Add in the fact that you want these choices to last for some time, and it’s easy to see why it can be such a pain.

The good news is that our painting company can help. You don’t need to deal with the hard decisions and then execute them yourself. We can take care of the hard work so that you can sit back with your feet up while we create your luxurious spaces.

Personalize – Choose Paints Suited for You

We surround ourselves with items that are personalized to us, whether it be gadgets, accessories, clothes, or electronics. It goes without saying that the same level of personalization should be applied to our bedroom spaces. That goes for you and for the kids.

When it comes to the kids you’ll know better than anyone- their favorite colors change with the wind and their favorite activity today could be out the window tomorrow. Don’t go all out with a specific theme, instead choose their interest or favorite color as a changeable accent.

Favourite Colors for Kids

“Painting your child’s bedroom can be a minefield, but your decisions should be much easier when it comes to your own bedroom”


When it comes to boys, consider their favorite hobbies, whether it’s sports, games, or a movie. Use those hobbies and interests to accessorize the bedroom, that way your boy can grow up with the room color and change the accessories as he grows older. You’ll get far more use out of the room that way, choose a color that would any room, you may want to read our article about room painting for more details.

When it comes to girls, many little girls love pastel colors but a teenage girl isn’t always obsessed with princesses like her younger self used to be. Accessorize to optimize the space and the décor you want to achieve. Again, choosing a paint color that would suit any room is integral to creating a comfortable space that will serve your daughter’s needs for years to come.

Painting your child’s bedroom can be a minefield, but your decisions should be much easier when it comes to your own bedroom, and the guest room. Opt for neutral colors so that you can change your bedding and accessories to provide the appropriate splashes of color as the seasons come and go. You’ll get the most use out of your space that way, and the ability to change things up regularly is great for the soul. Also, you might find useful popular colors for 2016 guide.

To create your own safe space of comfort and bliss, call our painting contractors to provide you with the quote for your new bedroom. We provide fully training and experienced painting professionals that can make your dream room a reality.